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This system is currently still in development. Some parts will not be working yet, and parts of the system may change.

Did you feel it?

Local date: 2020-03-01
Local time: 20:10:07
Depth (km): 9
Magnitude: 0.6
Location: 2.0 km NE of San Cristobal, San Jose
Latitude: 9.725 °N
Longitude: 83.9337 °W

Did you feel this earthquake? Please fill in the survey.

Your location at the time of the earthquake.

Please drag the marker to your location at the moment of the earthquake, or your best estimate of it. * Required
Latitude:    Longitude:

Other description of your location (if needed).

Your situation when the earthquake occurred.

Did you feel this earthquake? * Required
Yes   No

Were you asleep?

What was your situation during the earthquake?

Did others nearby feel the earthquake?

Your experience of the earthquake.

How would you best describe the shaking strength?

How long did the shaking last for, in seconds?
If you are unable to estimate the duration, please leave empty or fill in 0.

How did you react?

How did you respond?

Was it difficult to stand or walk?
Yes   No

Earthquake effects

Free-hanging objects - Did you notice any swinging of doors, or other free-hanging objects?

Sounds - Did you hear creaking or other noises?

Shelved Objects - Did objects rattle, topple over, or fall off of shelves?

Hanging pictures - Did pictures on walls get moved or knocked off?

Furniture - Did any furniture or appliances slide, topple over, or become displaced?

Large Appliances - Was a heavy appliance, such as a refrigerator or range, affected?

Walls/Fences - Were free-standing walls or fences damaged?

Was there any damage to buildings within a few blocks of you?

Please check all that apply.

Additional comments

You may use this field to place any additional comments, remarks or clarification of answers to the survey questions.
OVSICORI-UNA reserves the right to use direct quotes from this text, or any information provided in internal and published notifications.

Earthquake intensity

Please use the following table to estimate the earthquake's intensity at your location:

Contact information (Optional)


Phone number

Email address

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